
All the following information will be helpful to better understand the context of our school.

Our school is a COEDUCATIONAL, BILINGUAL school. By coeducational we mean that in the same campus we are able to offer gender-specific education to students in grades 1-12. By bilingual we mean that all our students learn in two languages, in English and in Spanish.

Our GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE, is not the usual board of directors, but one similar to that of the accredited Catholic dioceses in the US. The structure includes the GENERAL DIRECTOR, the TERRITORIAL DIRECTOR, and the SCHOOL DIRECTOR. Each one has an advisory council, and defined responsibilities towards the school.

REGNUM CHRISTI. Regnum Christi is an apostolic movement at the service of mankind and the Catholic Church. It shares the charism of the consecrated men and women of the Movement, as well as of the priestly congregation, the Legionaries of Christ. The Regnum Christi movement is present in more than 30 countries. http://www.regnumchristi.org/english

LEGIONARIES OF CHRIST. The Legionaries' specific contribution to the Church is to inspire lay persons to be conscious of their baptismal promises and vocation as Christians forming leaders at the Church's service, convinced of their role in spreading the faith and values of the Gospel. One of the means by which the Legionaries carry out this service of the Church is through education. Presently there are many schools, universities, and formation centers worldwide, educating thousands of students, that implement the Integral Formation® method of education. www.legionofchrist.org

SEMPER ALTIUS NETWORK OF SCHOOLS. Semper Altius, “Always Higher”, is our school motto, and it is also the name of the network of schools of which we are part. In addition, the network of schools is associated with a network of internationally recognized universities in Mexico, and in various countries, and a network of international boarding schools where students have the opportunity to take summer, semester or year-long courses in the U.S.A., Ireland, or Switzerland. The Central Office for the Semper Altius Network of Schools, is an organization which develops and maintains educational models of excellence, faithful to the principles of Christian humanism, through processes focused on theory, innovation, and the needs of society. This Central Office serves schools implementing the method of Integral Formation®. It designs, develops, and employs educational models and curriculum that are recognized and promoted worldwide for their innovation and excellence, including quality assessments and evaluations. (www.semperaltius.org, www.anahuac.info, www.oakinternational.org)

SEMPER ALTIUS ACCREDITATION PROTOCOL. The Semper Altius Network of Schools is an AdvancED partner organization, and as such, our school is seeking DUAL ACCREDITATION, with AdvancED, and Semper Altius. For this reason, our school has an additional set of standards, assurances, and evidences, to demonstrate the school´s performance with the Semper Altius criteria essential to our school. The criteria have to do with the Catholic identity, and with the implementation of the Integral Formation® method of education, particularly in the 4 pillars of formation: intellectual, human, spiritual and apostolic. During the external visit, the Semper Altius representative team member will meet with the school formation team to address the questions related to the Semper Altius criteria.

SUNRISE INTERNATIONAL CURRICULUM. The Sunrise International Curriculum, developed by the Semper Altius network of schools (previously the International Center for Integral Formation) is based on research of international educational standards and best practices in educational centers around the world. A group of specialists in curriculum, and experts in education develop, train, implement, assess, and update the curriculum regularly. The curriculum could be compared with the IB (International Bacculareate) in the sense that it is designed to develop 21st century skills in at least two languages. The curriculum is also based on the "Ideario" of the Semper Altius schools, which is the philosophycal and antropoligal basis for our Catholic educational model. It ensures the framework for the Catholic identity of our school. The Sunrise International Curriculum includes the following resources:

  • Focus
    • The Focus establishes the pedagogical basis for each school level: Preschool Focus, Elementary School Focus, Secondary School Focus, Preparatory School Focus.
  • Practicum
    • The Practicum establishes the curricular model, scope, sequence and learning objectives. There is one practicum for each grade level (from preschool to the last grade of elementary school, and one practicum for each grade subject in grades 7 to 12).
  • Evaluation model
    • There is a documented and well defined model of evaluation for each school section: Preschool, Elementary and Secondary School
  • Strategies catalog
    • There is a catalog of strategies that are recommended for the implementation of the curriculum. School administrators and teachers select those they find most appropriate for teaching and learning.

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN DE LA PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES. It is the entity of the Buenos Aires government in charge of overseeing and ruling education in that province. All private and publics schools need to comply with its requirements. www.abc.gov.ar