Our school moto "Semper Altius" (Always Higher) invites al members of the community to engage in a lifelong personal journey of improvement. Expectations for student learning are stated in the Student Profile for each level. In the classroom environment we are working on being more explicit about learning expectations and establishing learning goals for each student. Besides, we are offering activities that allow students to connect their learning to real life experiences throughout the curriculum. While many students have expressed in surveys that they set personal learning goals, we can improve to make this practice more explicit and to improve feedback on the process. With our staff, though we have been implementing a performance evaluation tool, as from last year we began working with a new performance management process which helps each staff member to participate more actively in his/her own personal and professional growth process and developing leadership competences. On a broader institutional level, we are working on openly sharing with parents our expectations and results. For the first time this year we presented our Strategic Plan to the “Class Mother Representatives” (two per class form K1 to Y12). The initiative was very much appreciated and valued positively and as a result they suggested we shared the information with all parents, which we did last July. The School has a formal system to accompany each family (Sistema de atención a familias). This system guarantees that each family has someone in the school who knows them personally and works with them in establishing developmental goals for each of their children.


12. El lema “semper altius”, traducido del latín quiere decir “siempre más alto” y señala que en el proceso formativo es preciso caminar, subir y superarnos. Se trata de un itinerario que apunta hacia una meta trascendente y la más elevada posible: el “hombre nuevo” en Cristo, por obra del Espíritu Santo, del que habla san Pablo (cf. Ef 2,5)8. Ser un “hombre nuevo”, un integer homo o una integra mulier, es realizar el designio amoroso de Dios que quiere seamos plenamente humanos, integrando armónicamente todas las dimensiones de nuestro ser por el amor. Implica también integrar la propia debilidad y limitaciones en el propio camino y en el designio de Dios para cada uno.

13. El ideal formativo del Regnum Christi requiere, para su realización, un modelo pedagógico que tome como punto de partida las disposiciones y características personales del formando, que promueva su libertad y responsabilidad, que favorezca la relación maestro-discípulo y que promueva la excelencia de vida, es decir, que desarrolle los propios talentos por amor y le enseñe a ofrecerlos a los demás.

Kindergarten Student Profile

Perfil egresado jardin.pdf
PErfil egresado primaria.pdf
FOCUS Secundaria (1)-32-34.pdf

Primary Student Profile

Secondary Student Profile

High Standards for Teaching and Learning

Infographic for Staff

Teacher Profile

Performance Management Process for Staff

2019 Feb. presentación proceso gestión de desempeño.pptx
2b. Evaluación docentes y coeducadoras.pdf
Manual Gestión del Desempeño.pdf


Rigourous and Challenging Activities

Secondary Students

Primary Students

Learning Goals

Secondary Students

Primary Students

Interview with Tutor (Secondary School)

Guia de entrevista de tutores.pdf

Student Learning Projects

Blood Donation Campaign

(5th year project)

Explicacion proceso grupal 3ºA

3rd grade project to promote positive peer interactions by fostering reflection and empathy

Science Fair

Elections Project (Primary)

Proyecto Primaria Encuentro Ciudadano Elecciones Oakhill 2019
Asia Unit

Level Up Village Global Citizenship Program

Greek Masks.mp4
Working at Shakespeare's corner.mp4
Proyecto Primaria Encuentro Ciudadano Elecciones Oakhill 2019
Añes - Strategically Plan your Freelance Project

Integral Business Project

3rd Year (9th grade) Students in their IT classes had to think of a Freelance Project, design a Survey to collect data from prospective clients, answer each others' surveys, write a Report explaining their conclusions, and are on the process of creating a Spreadsheet to show expenses and income, and a flyer to promote it.



Instructional Staff Survey


Learning Objective for one unit

Copy of Cover for the unit.pdf
2019 3 Maths Syllabus

year syllabus


Atención a familias 2019.pdf

Presentation to Parents on Cambridge International Exams

Parents Climate Survey