The School´s philosophy expressed in its Ideario describes the type of interactions between community members that will provide a loving and caring environment in which students can develop and thrive. We believe that positive relationships based in values such as respect, trust, openness, solidarity will create the conditions for each member of our community to feel accepted and valued. The surveys´ results provide consistent evidence of how this is a strength in our community. We still need to work on providing more specific moments within instructional staff working hours to increase peer collaboration and encourage sharing of best practices. One of the aspects we had detected in the 2016 survey that needed improvement was communication. Parents and staff claimed that there was an overload of information. Important messages weren’t being read. In 2018 we implemented a new communication platform, Handing. Among its many positive characteristics, this platform has a friendlier format, allows for more personalization in each communication, provides a space to clearly state the intention for each communication (inform, invite, assign a task) and promotes feedback which helps make messages more efficient by immediately showing feedback. Although we are still adjusting its implementation, parents have valued the change as a positive one as expressed in the 2018 survey.


Words used by Senior School Students to describe their school

Student Surveys

"Forever Together" Campaign (Primary)

Message about Student Council

Communication on Student Council.pdf

Socioemotional Program

Nuevo programa desarrollo socioemocional (Mayo 2019).docx

Fostering Communication Skills in Students

Copy of Podcast Project Proposal (1).pdf

Oakhill Podcast

(6th grade project)


  • Reinforce Oral English skills
  • Experiment with new technologies
  • Give voice to our students (6th grade)
  • Boost student confidence and sense of belonging

TED Talks prepared by Students- October 2018

Instructional Staff/Leadership

Formal structure for support

Guia Primer entrevista Tutoria.docx
Folleto pastoral 2019 .pdf

Profesores Tutores Secondary School

PPT Profs Tutores Sec feb 19.pptx
Funciones_profesor_Tutor_FEB 2019.pdf

Formal structure to promote engagement and collaboration

1b. Reuniones/Encuentros del Staff (por Nivel/Área)

Acompañamiento- según el ideario.docx

"Acompañamiento" workshop for staff

Acompañamiento Mirada Escucha Pregunta Misión personal Feb 2019.pptx



Relationship between instructional staff

"Inspirarse" Worshop for Staff

Acuerdo de pareja pedagógica (Kinder)

Acuerdo de desempeño profesional PAREJA PEDAGÓGICA.pdf
2. Cronograma_de_actividades_de_articulaci_n_K5_2018.doc


Learning Session Evaluation on Project Based Learning


Formato devolución cursos o capacitaciones.pdf



AdvancEd Survey

Parents´ Survey (Oct 2018) - Click each graph to open it

"Sistema de Atención a Familias"

Instructivo Atención a familias 2019.pdf
Manual de uso de Handing 2019 final.pdf

Handing: new communication platform

A partir de una encuesta de satisfaccion realizada a familias en Octubre de 2016, y en pos de seguir buscando herramientas para mejorar nuestra comunicación, decidimos cambiar la herramienta que veníamos usando hasta ahora: el e-mail.

Handing es una plataforma de comunicación digital que comenzamos a usar en el año 2018, convirtiéndola en nuestra herramienta de comunicación institucional. Elegimos Handing porque nos permite trasladar a la comunicación digital algunas de las características que dan sentido a la comunicación interpersonal:

  • Es personalizada
  • Es bidireccional
  • Nos convierte a todos en agentes de comunicación